
Monday, September 18, 2017

Skills and Strategies

Classroom Updates


      The Unit 1 Everyday Math program introduces and assesses many skills.

We have been working on telling time to the nearest minute. I encourage you to have your child practice this skill at home, if you have access to an analog clock.
Tomorrow we will begin learning about elapsed time.  This is the amount of time that has passed from the beginning of an event to its end.  For example, piano class began at 4:30 and ended at 5:15.  How long was piano class?

We also have been rounding numbers to the nearest ten and the nearest 100.

   The standard states that your child should be able to complete thirty addition facts in one minute.  Be sure to check your child's mad minute paper to see how your child is performing in this area.   Some strategies to help build math fact fluency are math games such as addition top it, flash cards, and mathletics. 


  We have been reading many books and discussing many comprehension strategies. This poster list some of the comprehension strategies we have discussed in the short time we have been back at school.


     I have sent home a copy of many reading skills that will be addressed here at Metcalf.  I have asked the children to keep this paper in their homework folder.  They may color the box when they have recognized the skill during their nightly reading.

     This week your child's reading homework will be to use a post it to mark a spot in their book that they would like to discuss.   I suggest trying to find a section that represents a comprehension skill he/she would like to mention.  I can't wait to hear about their books!