Parent teacher conferences were a huge success! I was able to meet with a parent for every student. I so appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedule to meet with me. And I appreciate the feedback and your input. Working together we can meet the needs of your children while providing an environment where your child feels comfortable to make mistakes while pushing through barriers to reach their goals.
Based on your feedback I have heard that many of your children were reading nightly when we were doing daily " Book Talks". I will be sure to make time for this valuable activity. I hope daily " Book Talks" will help encourage nightly reading and foster great discussions along with a joy of reading.
*** There will not be a spelling test this week as we are completing the Unit 1 Reading Test.
Picture Day is Wednesday!!
We have many wonderful computer based resources that your children have access to at home. I-Ready reading and math lessons, Discovery Ed, and Mathletics are just a few. Just below you will find a letter and a link to a tutorial on how to access these resources. The password mentioned ( student Id with initials) is hand written on the front page of your child's agenda.

Dear Parents,
This documentation is to help your child access school based resources from a home computer.
Student email addresses and school issued Google accounts use the following format:
Student passwords use the following format:
StudentID + First two letters of their first name + First two letters of their last name with no spaces, all lower case.
For Example:
Student: Johnny Appleseed
Student ID: 26999
Password: 26999joap
For students to access school based online resources,
- Be sure all home, work, or consumer Google accounts are signed out by going to and clicking the account link in the top right corner.
- Select Student Resources.
- If Clever is selected,, students can sign in with their school issued Google account.
- Enjoy direct access to i-ready, Google Classroom, Mathletics, I-Ready, and more.
A video that demonstrates a way for your child to access school based resources from home is located here. (
I hope this enables your child to have complete at-home access to all of the wonderful sites that are available to make your child more at ease with technology in the 21 century.
Sincerely, Cheryl Lavoie