This trimester our writing focus will be informational writing. At this point we have looked at informational books and discussed the different text structures. Students have been prewriting about topics they know about and have and interest in. We have introduced and practiced writing in the following structures: topic & sub-topic, description, and question and answer. After exploring a variety of books, topics, and writing styles we are beginning are writing process.
Informational Books |
We have discussed their topic should be of interest to the audience,
as this will be presented to other students and teachers. Also the topic must not be too broad or too narrow in order to facilitate research.
Step 2 Research - Students have been taught appropriate internet/research guidelines along with efficient note taking strategies. My hope is that students will have enough research to begin their first draft next week. Students have been working in class on research. They may do additional research at home and should bring that information to school.
Step 3 Begin Rough Draft ( Hopefully next week)