The standard states that your child should be able to complete thirty addition facts in one minute. Be sure to check your child's mad minute paper to see how your child is performing in this area. Some strategies to help build math fact fluency are math games such as addition top it, flash cards, and mathletics. We will be completing a mad minute each day this week to help build our fact fluency.
We have also been learning about elapsed time. A fun extension for students to try at home would be to find out the elapsed time between the sunrise in the A.M.and the sunset in the P.M. The amount of daylight has changed significantly in the two weeks since we have done this assignment in class.
If you take on this challenge please send in your findings.
If you take on this challenge please send in your findings.
Writing Corner
The students have begun typing their personal narratives into google classroom, but we still have some revisions and editing to do before we have a final draft. Our lessons have focussed on writing about a small experience from our life. We looked at many samples of catchy leads and we wrote a few of our own. Our writing should have a clear beginning, middle and an end. Personal narratives should include the feelings of the character. The students have been working on showing their feelings rather than telling their feelings. Ex. I was so nervous. vs. My heart was racing and my hands were sweaty.